Update #1
March 22nd 2024 at 16:15:26 in Big Cove Campground, Frozen Head State Park in Tennessee, USA - I took a photograph which changed my life. I believe I witnessed one of the greatest sporting performances of all time and a defining moment in the history of ultra-running. I’ve wanted to write about this experience for a while but up until now I haven’t been able to find the right words. There’s been some big changes in my life but here we are a year later feeling recharged, super focussed (and a lot fitter).
I want to reiterate that the plan was ALWAYS to create a photo book during the 2024 Barkley Marathons. That’s why I travelled to Tennessee and followed my strong intuition of documenting the event through a raw and unfiltered eye using a Leica Q2 Monochrom. I’ve been lucky enough to attend the Barkley twice so knew exactly how to go-about bringing you guys even closer into Frozen Head. Regardless of what happened at Barkley - I would have been just as happy with no finishers.
I know Jasmin won’t mind me saying this but when she ran past a group of us at the fire tower on loop 5 - I wasn’t optimistic she would finish under the 60 hour cutoff and become finisher number 20. I was in the company of those who knew Frozen Head well and to them the maths just didn’t work in her favour. We were expecting her to finish approximately 2 hours later than when she arrived - so when she came darting around the bottom corner of Big Cove Campground with 2 minutes to spare you can only imagine how spine tingling the atmosphere was. I remember a little girl shouting “She’s Coming” at the bottom of the road which then continued to echo up though the spectators standing on either side of the road leading up to the yellow gate. Laz’s head turned with such conviction that he knew something special was about to happen. The next few minutes were a blur as I was super focussed but I do remember screaming behind the camera feeling very ready to capture this iconic moment. I felt ice cold and believe my years of commitment and sacrifice were supposed to lead this opportunity. Basically what I’m trying to say is Jasmin really did do the impossible. It was nothing short of a fucking miracle what she did out there. You could honestly feel the weight and the power of the trail and ultra running community from around the world behind her. It was breathtaking to witness and a perfect time to remind you this is Barkley and regarded as the hardest foot race on the planet.
As a side note take a look at this cross created by the shadow of a pylon on the Brushy Mountain State Penitentiary wall. It could only have been there 5-10 minutes maximum. A coincidence? I think not. A sign from god something was about to change. Call me crazy, call me whatever you like but I know what I seen. I was instantly drawn to this cross the minute I pulled up at the prison.
Many of you own a copy of my book DO NOT BLOCK GATE and I want to take this opportunity to thank those 477 backers who pledged for a hardback copy on Kickstarter because without you this book wouldn’t be a reality. You believed in me and it’s something I’ll forever be grateful for. Vertebrate publishing were a dream to work with and gave me full creative control which is so rare nowadays.
It’s been a huge success and is now for sale in a paperback format on Amazon and all good book retailers. It’s even reached the number one photo book on Amazon which blows my mind.
Also it was amazing to chat with so many of you at the National Running Show and only then could I see the impact the book has had on so many of you. It completely sold out so this fills me with so much joy. Thanks again to the Green Runners for having me.
Much of 2024 was spent unintentionally further crafting a style of photography which I can now stamp as my own. I shot a handful of events but something didn’t feel right. I felt tired and needed fulfilment which isn’t always easy to find. I’d achieved what I set out to achieve and it was like a ‘what’s next’ type of scenario. I decided UTMB would be my last event for a while and to find the right answers I had to take a break from photography.
I started running again because for the last decade running has been my constant, my reason and why I started photography in the first place. Now after 6 months away I feel like me again and I’ve found my old fitness. It’s like all my senses have come back - a beautiful thing.
A special shout out to my boys Louie & Freddie, best mate Tom Carter and my partner Jodie for helping me navigate through this.
After a small hiatus and now a year on from the Barkley - I had the opportunity to reunite with Jasmin and shoot the cover for Runners World at the National Running Show. From capturing Jasmin slumped under the gate in Tennessee to capturing her portrait gracing the cover of Runners World - this is a collaboration that’s gone full circle. An absolute dream. Thanks to Leica cameras for supporting!
So where do we go from here? I want to experience new things. Expect more colour photography as I’m now armed with Leica Q3. I won’t be returning to Barkley and UTMB this year but I’ve thought outside the box and have some very exciting projects to announce soon.
David x
PS If you have a copy of DNBG can I kindly ask you to leave a review on Amazon? This kind of thing goes a long way so I can continue doing this in the future! Link below :)